Regina Katz, LCSW | Therapy for Depression, Life Transitions and Counseling for Adolescents

Social Anxiety Disorder Counseling

Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is much more than a case of simple shyness. It’s a condition characterized by an intense and persistent fear of being judged by others and feeling highly self-conscious in all types of social situations.

Although Individuals with social anxiety disorder often get perceived as being very shy, quiet, withdrawn, or aloof, their behavior is simply a manifestation of excessive worry and fear of embarrassment or humiliation. For people with social anxiety disorder, simply engaging in everyday activities can be extremely difficult. They are often consumed with worry for days and even weeks leading up to an actual event.

Besides the intense feelings typically associated with social anxiety disorder, one may also experience a range of physical symptoms. For someone suffering from it, social situations can trigger things like a rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, nausea, trembling, and even muscle twitches. Individuals with social phobia tend to avoid the situations they fear and, as a result, may not reach their full potential in certain areas of endeavor.

How therapy can help

Therapy has proven instrumental in helping individuals dealing with social anxiety navigate and overcome the challenges they face.

During counseling sessions, I provide skilled, sensitive care to help individuals identify thought patterns and learn strategies to help overcome and cope with anxiety-provoking situations. My goal is to foster confidence and skill development while providing a safe space for exploration and empowering healthier coping mechanisms that facilitate easier social interactions and more fulfilling social connections.

Get the support that’s needed to overcome intense anxiety when faced with social situations.

Reach out today!

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Regina Katz, LCSW | Women   s Issues, Counseling for Anxiety and Eating Disorders

Areas Served: Nassau County, Suffolk County, New York City and Westchester


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