Regina Katz, LCSW | Therapy for Chronic Illness, Life Transitions and Counseling for Adolescents

Eating Disorders

Are you noticing that you or a loved one

  • Has been losing too much weight
  • Has become more focused on food
  • Has to be “eating healthy” with a rigidity that is concerning
  • Reacts to fats and carbs with so much anxiety that they are almost all eliminated
  • Allows the scale to become way too important in daily routines effecting mood for the day
  • Has been getting rid of food either by acknowledged purging or too many bathroom trips after meals
  • Has developed exercise habits that are becoming more extreme and rigid; with a missed day leading to panic
  • Consumes large amounts of food in an out of control manner
  • Focuses constant harsh criticism on one’s body or parts of one’s body; with considerable body image misperceptions

Eating disorders are very serious and potentially life threatening illnesses that cause severe disturbances to one’s physical and mental health. They don’t discriminate to sex, age or socioeconomic background. They often can start innocently and can initially appear to be a “good thing” for someone who was told by their pediatrician to lose weight by “eating a little healthier” and “cut out junk food“ or for someone who just wanted to “lose a few pounds.” They can come out of the blue for someone who was always a fine healthy weight but heard or saw something that made them more focused on their body. They can appear very well rationalized in the beginning. I am “just eating healthy” , “I just need to use the bathroom after I eat”, “my stomach is hurting every time I eat” can be telltale signs if they interfere with normal balanced eating. The truth is that for some , once these thoughts start they can develop into a very serious situation where physical health begins to decline. Typical early symptoms include a loss of regularity in one’s period, a decline in bone density , stomach issues, loss of hair or feeling cold much of the time. Mental health Mental health also takes a turn for the worse as one is obsessively focused on how one eats, or doesn’t eat each meal, or compensatory behaviors to cope with eating increase and body image focus is beyond self-critical. Anxiety or depression often worsen if they were there initially or develop, if they weren’t.

If you are concerned about a loved one, acting sooner than later is always advised, even for just a consultation. Feedback that you are overreacting is the typical response by the person of concern, however if you are noticing concrete changes in mood, food and attitude, don’t hesitate to reach out. I work with a team of very skilled and compassionate doctors and nutritionists who can help you or your loved one work to overcome these fears and these behaviors and normalize a more balanced healthy relationship with food and your thoughts. I have been treating eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating disorders and ARFID for over 30 years and offer a safe, compassionate place with state of the art therapy to help you or your family.

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Regina Katz, LCSW | Women   s Issues, Counseling for Anxiety and Eating Disorders

Areas Served: Nassau County, Suffolk County, New York City and Westchester


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